Weather in marlborough-ma 10 days

Here’s the 10-day weather forecast for Marlborough, MA:

  • June 10: Mostly sunny with a high of 76°F and a low of 53°F. Winds W at 10-15 mph.
  • June 11: Sunny, high of 72°F, low of 54°F. Light winds.
  • June 12: Partly cloudy, high of 75°F, low of 55°F. Chance of light rain.
  • June 13: Mostly sunny, high of 84°F, low of 57°F. Winds moderate.
  • June 14: Partly cloudy, high of 86°F, low of 64°F. Slight chance of rain.
  • June 15: Partly cloudy, high of 77°F, low of 63°F.
  • June 16: Sunny, high of 77°F, low of 55°F.
  • June 17: Mostly sunny, high of 84°F, low of 57°F.
  • June 18: Hot and sunny, high of 91°F, low of 66°F.
  • June 19: Mostly sunny, high of 82°F, low of 68°F.

You can check more detailed and updated forecasts on Weather Underground and Foreca.

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